Wednesday, 7 December 2011

The First Touch..!!

He was all blank, walking towards encroachment area where number of paintings were displayed, but one big one right in the middle of the wall was beautiful, it pictured a girl caged behind the rib cage of human body as if the painting is saying that, though she is safe there, but yet there are things which she wants to see beyond that cage, the girl was extremely beautiful, and entire painting was done very skillfully, at the bottom he searched for the signatures .. it was small and simple, in a very  italic manner fonts were place above the line ending with a dot and signature read “Swadha”. Kudrat talking to himself said, only a beauty can produce such beautiful piece. The Ringing of bell interrupted his thoughts, all students started to walk around from their classes, he turned back towards lecture theater-1, he could now se her clearly, and notice her captivating walk which he thinks is absolutely gorgeous. She was walking towards him watching down the ground as if she was counting her footsteps ,Kudrat too got lost in her footsteps, suddenly foot steps stopped in a half crossed position, as Kudrat looked up he saw Samar walking towards Miss Swadha, they both together came and stood right beside Kudrat,
Swadha- “Samar you are doing a fabulous job, I hope we could display your piece of art in an upcoming international Exhibition cum auction at convention center.” You must have thought a name for it.
Samar- “am so glad madam, its all because of your guidance and motivation you give us, of course I am in process of giving a name to my painting and madam here is my man Kudrat Manikwala, I told about him the one from the PR firm who could help you in organizing this event.” “Kudrat’s heart just skipped a beat, she is standing so close to him, talking to him”. Kudrat was managing all his senses to listen and concentrate whatever she is saying rather than getting lost in her eyes, face, nose, voice Kudrat finds everything enchanting about her. He could only recall the words she said at the end of conversation before extending her hand for a shake hand gesture. Kudrat gathered his all courage to extend his hand and shake it with hers, somehow his fingers got numb, and his tongue fumbled, he didn’t even holed her hand properly, Swadha found it strange but didn’t mentioned anything. She greeted Kudrat like any other student just like summer only and left, while he was still fumbling completely lost in her touch, he could still feel the chill running through his spine. He never thought any such feeling really exists, till now he has only seen it in movies and read it in Shakespeare.
But somehow all those black and white words of Romeo and Juliet were appearing truth and all that love talks were coming alive. 

Friday, 21 October 2011

A New Kind Of Feeling...!!

“Wake up you Moron its time!! You got an interview to attend”.. Samar’s voice was screeching across Kudrat’s Head.. Wake up..!! Kudrat finally got up to get ready, after realizing it’s too late to Iron the shirt, he wore the crushed shirt and his fawn trousers. Samar got him coffee and cookies, he left for interview, while Samar stayed back to start after an hour as his classes were delayed. Kudrat at door step turned and asked “what time will you be reaching”, Samar said “after an hour or so”, why?  Nothing I just asked its nearby my office so I thought to drop down and we will head back together. Samar told him that’s not needed, but Kudrat pretending as if he didn’t hear, ran down the stairs. Interview went good, Kudrat with pleasant personality and great communication skills can win anybody, he knew job was all his left hand play.
After finishing off his interview he walked around half a mile to reach Samar’s institute, it was getting hot in Delhi, Kudrat was sweating like a pig, but his fair face was all red due to heat outside and little sweat drops wear shining like diamonds on his clean shaved face. As soon as he entered the premises institute, every girl turned around to see an angel dressed in formals he appeared like model ,those once in suit lines advertisements with messy hairs and raw looking formals. Kudrat for a while sat in reception area, Peon got him a glass of water, Receptionist asked him how can he help him, he said he is waiting for his friend who is a student here. In the back of his mind he was thinking is it actually the reason why he is here? Is he really waiting for Samar? Is it obvious to have such thoughts in your mind when you don’t know if you are being true to yourself? Kudrat got up to ask the direction towards restrooms. A peon escorted him towards restroom which was two lobbies ahead from the board of staff room. While walking towards restroom Kudrat’s eyes automatically turned towards the direction of a class room where he saw his angelic personality for whom his eyes were waiting, his heart was throbbing, his thoughts were longing. He didn’t stopped as he knew he was being escorted by the peon, after reaching his destination he told “thank you, bhaiya ji” to the peon, went in to get himself fresh and came back only to walk where his heart was taking him. Samar’s words were echoing in his mind in which he told him to stay away from Swadha. But this was a feeling which was beyond his control. And while fighting all that running in his mind he reached to stand at the window of the lecture hall -1, from where he could see his angel. He was thinking is it right to think all this for a person to whom he barely knows. Eventually girls are blessed with this sixth sense to realize if they are been observed by somebody in their surroundings. As if they could feel it on their skin. Swadha turned towards the window and this was their first  eye contact, for like ten seconds they stared at each other. And Swadha out of shyness or disgust looked away. And from that very moment Kudrat could feel himself as he has been spell bound by those beautiful eyes. He looked away and started walking towards encroachment area. With a sinking feeling in his heart. 

Sunday, 16 October 2011


What’s keeping him from food, Sleep, Rest and his Favorite pastime socializing in girls. He was completely restless and wasn’t able to figure out what is happening, A knock on the door brought him back from his virtual world of thoughts in which Swadha was making her own ways. He gathered his senses to open the door only to find tired Samar out of energy and bored. Kudrat was never as happy as to see him like he was today, Kudrat actually served water for Samar, and with full respect handed over him the glass, Samar with all horrors of surprises quoted “Oh my my… whats happening what do you want today…am not going to lie your parents about your bad health and ask for more money”.. Kudrat suddenly left the steel glass into Samar’s Lap, Samar Jumped like a Hydrophobic Dog… "Damn it you fuck… why did you do that”. Kudrat Frowned and went away to sit alone in balcony. Samar being a caring friend realized something is not right with him. Samar too went and stood beside Kudrat, Samar finally thought to break the ice “the final strokes in painting are as tiring and rendering what about your job”.. Kudrat with a sigh replied “I have an interview tomorrow at that PR firm beside your institute”, “wow that’s great , why aren’t you happy this calls for a kingfisher”.. but Kudrat din’t answered. Samar finally asked whats wrong can we talk, Kudrat felt a bit awkward but started “so you are enjoying your new college, what about that girl yelling over staff ?? was everything ok??” Samar with a bitchy smile looked at him pointing a finger…" you Casanova Kudrat Manikwala stay away from her by the radius of 10 mts. She is my instructor". Kudrat could measure the depth of respect Samar has for her, but rather than concentrating on Samar’s trait he applied his plan-B to knock down Information about her from his “chaddhi buddy” he knew how to manage him, he suddenly put up a face of complete ignorance and in a so husky voice said “dude give me a break…. I have a class, I just asked that why was she ranting and riling, she must be tough on you in your practice sessions?”, Samar caught into the bait and as expected by Kudrat , With a sudden grin on his face he said “oh no.. Miss Swadha is such a sweet darling person, she is everything what a good teacher should have, in fact everything a good person should have, her way of dealing the things is quite mature and she is very sensible” Kudrat in his heart was enjoying listening every bit of adjectives and cheesy lines what Samar was saying about her, Samar was on and on… Kudrat interrupted “ but I am sorry I don’t find her as good as your descriptions, She is so average looking : (in his he thought… she is most beautiful), she is just like any other girl (she is completely amazing), I found her anger inappropriate (her pink angry face is still in my eyes) and she dosen’t appears me that wise as you are saying (rather she is the most innocent creature I have seen), Samar shouted …What the fuck are you saying… (Kudrat doubted as if he over heard his thoughts), ok am not saying anything about her, Lets go and get our empty roaring tummies filled with some delicacies, over the food Samar went on talking about how Swadha manages that big strength and still nothing lefts out from her attention and so many etc things which Kudrat in his heart was recording like a recorder tape, But was pretending as if he is least bothered, even if in between Samar got deviated from the topic “Swadha”..Kudrat would just asked him and “what else is happening in your institute?” and Samar would get back to “Miss Swadha this, Miss Swadha that”… 
While Samar felt asleep, Kudrat was still lingering in thoughts what is happening to him, Samar’s description of all the good and nice about Swadha was echoing in his head and he was  pondering over those thoughts, He din’t even realized when he slept.

Sunday, 9 October 2011


They say life never turns out to be as expected, well in Kudrat’s case its practically true. Though he himself was the most unpredictable creature but his fate was far more better than his unpredictability. That’s how the most unpredictable encounter of his life happened when he was expecting any such thing would happen to him… His life is about to change…

Samar forgot to take his Paint brush kit in his final cut of completing the art piece for this month which would fetch him the certificate for next level in fine arts. So he called up Kudrat and after almost three times of call waiting Kudat responded his call and as soon he could start to tell the reason, Samar intruded and said “Do hell with your Girl-lo-logics I want my paint brush kit in half an hour” and then he hung up. Kudrat lazily without even bathing carried a dirty look with jeans; shirt and “kolahpuri chappals” went off to help his friend. Somehow he reached to the institute. There were fourteen departments he initially tried thorough, tried calling Samar but his phone was not in coverage area. So he enquired at Admin office, finally a peon knew Samar and told him to wait there while he reports Samar about Kudrat’s coming, Kudrat was having this habit of Using mirror even when he knew he is looking disaster. Abruptly he saw somebody walking through the door, he could feel the effervescence of her presence ,he could listen to each foot step she is captivating him, He couldn’t just stop looking at her. She was in paranoia, yelled at staff about unavailability of canvas while her assisters are about to start their final stroke. Soon the back ground faded and all he could concentrate was on her eyes so dazzling, immense and meaningful but yet he could sense something different in her eyes which made him look deeper in to them as if they are in search, they are incomplete…. waiting , he just couldn’t stop staring at her which made her uncomfortable for that moment but she is quite good at pretending, she din’t even let him know that he has been noticed too. Then she went off with question mark on her mind and A look on Kudrat’s face because for Kudrat it was astonishing that he was staring at any girl he hardly knew, Kudrat being a Casanova just has his own doctrine and one of them was “never stare a girl for more then ten seconds” while this was his anatomy of entire fifteen minutes when he was around her, he was helpless as he even noticed her sensuous walk and how she moves, how her legs cross each other right in front , it was perhaps the best walk he has seen, more of like a cat walk model with a little lesser height, and suddenly his thoughts were interrupted by a loud voice from behind “Kaddu”.. (Samar called him “kaddu” :when he is irritated while parents and others call him pumpkin) where have you been I have been looking for you all over, he was still in thoughts what had happened to him in past fifteen minutes. He just Nodded and handed over the kit to Samar, then they just walked up to the hall Kudrat just wished His friend good luck and as he hugged him he could see the same enchanting face from about eight feet away from him, giving directions to people around and Swadha too noticed the same eyes staring over her again. He quickly looked away and left the place. He kept thinking about her all the time and getting restless while waiting for Samar to be back so that he can talk about it. He wasn’t even taking the calls of the “Bees”. All he knew it’s the first time in his life he experiencing anything like that.
Poor Kudrat you have to learn to be patient.

Drooling and Dumpling..

Summers are interesting seasons you actually want to put off everything you are wearing but yet have to worry what people will think about you, Summers In Delhi were onset and Kudrat was ready to cope with all the weather change around him, from long skirts of girls to hot pants, From small streets of his town to national highways.. Taxis to metro’s, Shops to malls everything was ironically dynamic around him. Like a freshman he was adopting to the details of his surroundings.. Destiny could have given him sometime before putting him into a new roller coaster ride but things are not that simple.
Swadha was descendent about her new job and working hard to make it work. Her challenges were increasing day by day. She knew how to handle the situations but her measurable tendencies could put things on stake sometimes, for Swadha nothing goes for a ride even the smallest details are truly important. Perfection was her “mantra” and “dedication” was her tool. She was a reserve person she always kept work to work with people around her, because her positive aura (consisted of her smooth and sensuous voice, her lightning eyes and tender smile) could not let people to be away from her, Her Assisters look up to her for guidance and for fellows she was the best advisor.
Samar the new guy in the college was trying to make his mark on colleagues and instructors, Swadha was Obliviously his favorite instructor, He keep talking about her to Kudrat most of the times Kudrat would have given a piece of mind to it if he would have got time from all the new bees around him. Well “Bees” was the term Samar gave to all the girls hovering around Kudrat, he sometimes felt irritated due to them as Kudrat was the only friend to him and those girls used to Sting him away in order to make their space around Kudrat.. one texting, another calling, and one bee even came to their place with flowers and food . Samar use to enjoy it until unless he had good food and his space with Kudrat. Once that space is overwhelmed by somebody’s presence he would get mad .
That’s how things were going on Drooling and dumpling in the lives of Delhi’s new comers and a not so Delhi’ite girl.

Tuesday, 13 September 2011


Kudrat just landed in Delhi a couple of months ago at the onset of summer Knocking in March2006 Kudrat came along with a friend to pursue his career in Delhi so that he could get better exposure and opportunities. Kudrat with his immense charm and alluring smile could easily capture the minds around him indifferent to a male or female. He was simple looking boy but there was something not so simple about him few told that it’s the way he carries himself, and few said his nice and friendly attitude towards people and positivity which can fill the dead with life.
Kudrat’s best friend Samar got admission in one of the best painting schools at mandi house. And convinced Kudrat to persue his career in Delhi rather than “Niyah” a small town near Goa.  Things were simple with Kudrat “either it has to be or not”. He was one mischievous soul, and quite next door kind of person. He was equipped with sharp brain gelled up with creativity. His qualities and looks always mend him popularity amongst the people around him. Which usually kept on adding to the list of                 Girl- friends” to his list, Out of which few claimed to be his Girlfriends? Well may be …But Kudrat was never bothered about them he always wanted people around him to be happy. “He always longed for somebody who would explore the other side of him.”


Swadha was now having experience of around eight years in her over all academic and carrier in painting and fine arts. Her latest job at Sarvopalli School of Arts at Mandi House was mending her the required remuneration and satisfaction, money was never a preference as the family was earning well including her father, brother and even mother. Acquaintances kept on happening in her daily mundane and things were going quite well. Swadha was easy going, well mannered and cultured person ,kind of hard to find in Metros like Delhi. Things were going quite good with her boyfriend Vanraj with whom she was in relationship from around 2 years. Vanraj was a dynamic, centered stable and handsome man, he worked with some MNC and was doing well in his career. Swadha and Vanraj made a good couple even their personalities complimented each other, Swadha with Mediocre height ,long locks,fair and soft looks and Vanraj was antonym- tall, dark and handsome. Her parents liked Vanraj but the reason of cast difference always kept him out of the list of prospect Males for marriage. On contrary Sawdha’s parents without any gap every weekend used to take her to coffee with different males some from acquaintances and rest from Matrimonial websites. Everything was going on perfect and smooth like a perfect life. But Swadha always longed for something else

Monday, 8 August 2011

A Little more about it...

Well before I introduce the characters to the blog, I just want to take you to a small concise about story which is yet to be started.
Contrasting any other story its about A girl and a guy (Oops… other stories to have a girl and a guy, I certainly have no doubt that sexes have been the major interest of Writers whenever it comes to a story).  So a guy and girl, it pertains a different aspect of love… more than lovers and friends. They love each other with the gratitude of winning hearts; they can be anything for each other whenever required. For them love is just not confined in a boy-girl relation, affair, mechanically falling in love and experiencing romance.. For them it was just about being there for each other no matter what , and that too without expectations, demands and selfless love and respect for their families.

Nothing more to reveal about the story just a short cut to story-
A Parsi boy “Kudrat Manikwala (20)”  falls for “Swadha Pandey(24)” a Brahmin girl. Its about love, care, passion and respect for families and your culture, its about the way world appears when you fall in love wisely.. or enough wisely (to discover that no matter how wise you are in love you will always be stupid) and to do the thing which is right for your families and society.

Its Silly, Simple and practical-

Thursday, 4 August 2011


The most unstructured set of feelings which just cannot be defined in words. Even the writer of century was failed to exactly define this “L” word. There is always a thin procession between sanity and insanity when you talk about love “well in case if you have experienced real one”, those who did not experienced it yet just wait and watch. You would surely agree to my statement someday.
From infancy to our adulthood we nearly we experience eight kinds of love. The bread and butter of life is foremost mother’s love the kind of daintiness we experience is compared to nothing in the entire universe. Then comes father’s love gentle firm and as usually said just like “coconut” what people refer to Firm outside and soft inside, the siblings – the love which helps us to understand that “how harmful it can be to peep in your elder brother’s room midnight when he is busy chatting his girl friend, and it surely is very harmful when you leave half chewed bubblegum on your sisters dressing table which might end up in getting her new haircut. Well in some cases love is all about making us interlinked to life realities and make us grow more mature.
And the list for eight kinds of love losts in between girl next door, next to next door, next to another door , your sister’s new friend, your brother’s girlfriend’s friend and the list goes on and on till the time at the some point of mature age you find somebody with whom you can spend your entire life and at that very moment you realize that’s what you are waiting, He or she is the one… !! ??

Love and about Love

My work of fiction is a result of my detailed study of human nature and its reaction towards every kind of relation and pros and cons of being mother, father, sister, brother, friend, lover, husband or wife. The blog will be updated in three days and two times a week. Since it is my first public writing I had tried my best to maintain professionalism, and any positive feedbacks are certainly welcome.
The reading of my blog might help you to stress out from daily mundane and youngsters might understand the value of serious relationships in their lives. Relationships are not the matter of fun we should just give a try to love in every phase without caring about it. Just fall in love and give it a chance to rule you, trust in it and let it drive you safely through your way because pain in love is the biggest healing to life.
Think again is he or she is really………….. what if the things didn’t turned the way we wanted them to be, what if the one you desire the most can never be yours or you end up having all of them. Lets find out through my blog what happens next....