What’s keeping him from food, Sleep, Rest and his Favorite pastime socializing in girls. He was completely restless and wasn’t able to figure out what is happening, A knock on the door brought him back from his virtual world of thoughts in which Swadha was making her own ways. He gathered his senses to open the door only to find tired Samar out of energy and bored. Kudrat was never as happy as to see him like he was today, Kudrat actually served water for Samar, and with full respect handed over him the glass, Samar with all horrors of surprises quoted “Oh my my… whats happening what do you want today…am not going to lie your parents about your bad health and ask for more money”.. Kudrat suddenly left the steel glass into Samar’s Lap, Samar Jumped like a Hydrophobic Dog… "Damn it you fuck… why did you do that”. Kudrat Frowned and went away to sit alone in balcony. Samar being a caring friend realized something is not right with him. Samar too went and stood beside Kudrat, Samar finally thought to break the ice “the final strokes in painting are as tiring and rendering what about your job”.. Kudrat with a sigh replied “I have an interview tomorrow at that PR firm beside your institute”, “wow that’s great , why aren’t you happy this calls for a kingfisher”.. but Kudrat din’t answered. Samar finally asked whats wrong can we talk, Kudrat felt a bit awkward but started “so you are enjoying your new college, what about that girl yelling over staff ?? was everything ok??” Samar with a bitchy smile looked at him pointing a finger…" you Casanova Kudrat Manikwala stay away from her by the radius of 10 mts. She is my instructor". Kudrat could measure the depth of respect Samar has for her, but rather than concentrating on Samar’s trait he applied his plan-B to knock down Information about her from his “chaddhi buddy” he knew how to manage him, he suddenly put up a face of complete ignorance and in a so husky voice said “dude give me a break…. I have a class, I just asked that why was she ranting and riling, she must be tough on you in your practice sessions?”, Samar caught into the bait and as expected by Kudrat , With a sudden grin on his face he said “oh no.. Miss Swadha is such a sweet darling person, she is everything what a good teacher should have, in fact everything a good person should have, her way of dealing the things is quite mature and she is very sensible” Kudrat in his heart was enjoying listening every bit of adjectives and cheesy lines what Samar was saying about her, Samar was on and on… Kudrat interrupted “ but I am sorry I don’t find her as good as your descriptions, She is so average looking : (in his he thought… she is most beautiful), she is just like any other girl (she is completely amazing), I found her anger inappropriate (her pink angry face is still in my eyes) and she dosen’t appears me that wise as you are saying (rather she is the most innocent creature I have seen), Samar shouted …What the fuck are you saying… (Kudrat doubted as if he over heard his thoughts), ok am not saying anything about her, Lets go and get our empty roaring tummies filled with some delicacies, over the food Samar went on talking about how Swadha manages that big strength and still nothing lefts out from her attention and so many etc things which Kudrat in his heart was recording like a recorder tape, But was pretending as if he is least bothered, even if in between Samar got deviated from the topic “Swadha”..Kudrat would just asked him and “what else is happening in your institute?” and Samar would get back to “Miss Swadha this, Miss Swadha that”…
While Samar felt asleep, Kudrat was still lingering in thoughts what is happening to him, Samar’s description of all the good and nice about Swadha was echoing in his head and he was pondering over those thoughts, He din’t even realized when he slept.