Thursday, 4 August 2011


The most unstructured set of feelings which just cannot be defined in words. Even the writer of century was failed to exactly define this “L” word. There is always a thin procession between sanity and insanity when you talk about love “well in case if you have experienced real one”, those who did not experienced it yet just wait and watch. You would surely agree to my statement someday.
From infancy to our adulthood we nearly we experience eight kinds of love. The bread and butter of life is foremost mother’s love the kind of daintiness we experience is compared to nothing in the entire universe. Then comes father’s love gentle firm and as usually said just like “coconut” what people refer to Firm outside and soft inside, the siblings – the love which helps us to understand that “how harmful it can be to peep in your elder brother’s room midnight when he is busy chatting his girl friend, and it surely is very harmful when you leave half chewed bubblegum on your sisters dressing table which might end up in getting her new haircut. Well in some cases love is all about making us interlinked to life realities and make us grow more mature.
And the list for eight kinds of love losts in between girl next door, next to next door, next to another door , your sister’s new friend, your brother’s girlfriend’s friend and the list goes on and on till the time at the some point of mature age you find somebody with whom you can spend your entire life and at that very moment you realize that’s what you are waiting, He or she is the one… !! ??


  1. amazing hasan! :)
    sky is yur limit keep it up!

  2. Cool.. well said it is part of everyone's life.......

  3. thanks for inspiring me friends...

  4. u r a born writer Afreen.....hats off to u :)

  5. thanks alma... just in process i am...!!
