By now Swadha and Kudrat were Message buddies. They use to
exchange messages every half hour. And if the interval exceeds it causes the restlessness
on the waiting side. Swadha who hardly was a tech savvy couldn’t keep hands off
from her phone. And Kudrat who was a
tech freak now only uses the message app in his phone. The situation was mutual
since their first exchange of message when Swadha was ill and absent from her
office and Kudrat texted her to ask if he could text her.

She stated with a statement “things are not normal” Kudrat wondered what the heck is going on.
She said things are not normal between us Kudrat, Kudrat said “ I am normal you
are normal what’s wrong. She then took a deep breath and started speaking “yesterday
I met Vanraj (Vanraj is the guy Swadha is
dating since last two years he is graphic designer and creative specialist,
Kudrat is aware of his presence in Swadha’s life but for the first time they
are actually talking about him) he just went across your messages in my
Mobile phone while surfing through it generally and read all the messages in my
box sent by you. You asking about my health, caring for my food, asking if I had
tea, how is my headache, writing me a lullaby just because a told you am not
feeling sleepy at night, telling me its full moon and I should see the moon its
beautiful, asking me if I have reached home safely, telling me I am looking
good with my open hairs, Blue kurti looks amazing on me, Canteen keeper tries
to flirt with me I shouldn’t entertain him and you feel like breaking his nose
and above all sending goodnight and good morning wishes everyday without a fail
since last one and a half month. Vanraj didn’t find it normal, to him you are
just another person from my workplace who is way younger to me just like my any
other student. He didn’t find it normal at all, Kudrat’s face was flash red, he
yelled in disgrace, he felt like it was a sudden awakening call, as they were
sleeping and dreaming in wonderland till now. “so you are facing problems in your personal life due to me??” he
said furiously “Its not you, you are not
the problem its me, the thing which bothered him more was I replied each text
of yours without a fail”, this bothered him more. Swadha said with a little
higher pitch.“So your boyfriend or I guess even you don’t know what does it
means to have good friends” his voice was cold and calm now. As if he doesn’t
want to argue. Swadha leaned her back towards the chair and rested for few
seconds while Kudrat kept on looking at her heavenly face with grimace and
questions in his eyes. She then said “ Look Kudrat, if he felt things are not
on a right track we have to see it, he never stopped me from talking to you or
anybody, yesterday he just said that I should keep distance from you or else I will
get hurt”. I just want you to understand my point of view. In fact my staff
members and collogues and parents have also mentioned my excess involvement
with my ringing device, but I don’t know why I didn’t realized it before”. Because
you know that you are not doing anything wrong, you like talking to me we are
good friends what’s wrong with that?? He ask her like a kid tone in his voice. “Don’t
like talking to me, texting me, do you think its wrong”. Its not about right ot
wrong Kudrat you need to understand, I am connected to few people in my life
and Vanraj is one of them” . Am saying you not text me am just asking you limit
things, habit and excess of anything is harmful. As soon as Swadha mentioned
the world “love” is what she feels for Vanraj, Kudrat had a lightning in his
mind, he felt everything collapsing around him, he wanted to shout louder and
tell her what he feel for her, tears almost travel their distance to the edge
of his eyes but he controlled them. Kudrat got from chair and kneel towards her
from across the table and rested his hands on the corners. He said “am not a coward, am friend I don’t find
anything bad in sharing my thoughts with you I will follow what you said but if
you really think am wrong or things between us are wrong say me once and I will
make things the way as if they never existed but if you think you are not wrong,
we are not wrong”. I will text the way I did…. And to reply me is completely
your call”, a peon entered to call her for director’s office. She got up in
hurry looking towards watch and realizing that they discussed it for more than
hour. Without saying much she left the room. Kudrat sat there for a while, he
took out his cell phone and wrote, “
Sorry, between all this debate I forgot to ask you weather you had food?? And white
seriously looks stunning on you”.. as soon as Swadha received the text she
replied in the same pace. “yeh I had food
and thanks for the compliment”. Both of them realized it’s really difficult
to eradicate this habit so gradually, a small chuckle travelled through their
faces and then they only exchanged smiley’s.
How wonderfully a text message can change your mode and
focus, They both are experiencing it. They shared every small and big detail of
daily happenings and it was just their way to say.. I was waiting for you and
am here for you whenever you need me.
afreen hasan way to go ! good luck :)